5 October 2006

[sings] "We are faaam-i-ly!"

Jamie's mother is watching Olyvia for a bit. She's amazing.

So. The coolest thing happened today...
We were all sitting around this morning, waking up (Jamie and I with the help of some good ol' fashioned caffeine) and discussing the up-coming internet grocery order. Yes, Tim and Jamie order their groceries over the internet...I mean, is that cool or what?! Although, it seems to me that that doesn't really jive with Jamie's new hippie lifestyle (apparently having a baby makes you care about preservatives and the ozone and stuff [wink])...but that's a different post all together. ANYWAY, we're sitting around and Jamie says,

"We need to figure out, as a family, what we want to get."
....See that? I'm part of the family. [grins]


At 4:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i miss you... im depressed seriously... im not doing well lately. could use some prayer...


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