18 October 2006

I heart history.

I had an UH-MAZE-ING day today. I'd decided last night to take advantage of my day off and go visit The British Museum. After a leisurely morning, I set off on my adventure. At this point, can I just say how much I L-O-V-E love public transport? It's fantastic. I took the Tube to Manor House, then hopped a bus that took me to Grand Russell Street. Well, I was supposed to be dropped there, but I kind of missed it. Oops! : ) Oh well-- I just ended up seeing more of the surrounding area, which was cool. I was reading a book about London, and the author called it "a walker's paradise;" I'm probably going to have to agree with him. I had worked up something of an appetite during the adventure thus far, and was overjoyed to find-- just across the street from the museum-- a safe haven, heaven on earth, warm and comforting as a mother's embrace, my Mecca....STARBUCKS. [sigh] It was my first 'Bucks experience since the States and, let me tell you, it was magical. Ok, ok...maybe I'm being slightly overdramatic, but, seriously-- have you met me?? It was nice and familiar, however; despite the fact that the employee didn't speak English as his first language AND he mumbled. Awesome.

The Museum itself was incredible. Honestly, it was just so surreal and awe-inspiring that I would have a hard time trying to accurately describe it. I saw
the Rosetta Stone, which was pretty mind-blowing. I spent the bulk of my time (roughly 5 hours) looking at the Ancient Egyptian artifacts. Ok, seriously, I think I could look at that stuff every day and not get bored; I am just facinated by it all! There were statues of Ramasses II (believed to be the Pharaoh of the Exodus) in amazing condition, considering how unbelievably old they are. I saw mummified cats, crocidiles, falcons...even fish! And, of course, mummified people. Duh.
Another amazing feature of The British Museum is its collection of the Parthenon Sculptures, which is under hot debate. The Reader's Digest version? The Greeks want them back; the British government ain't having it. Regardless of the drama, they are breath-taking pieces of art. It is ridiculous how detailed they are! You could see the veins on the centuar's belly and the strained muscles of the man he's battling-- IN MARBLE! It's insane.
After the museum closed and kicked me out [grumble grumble], I stumbled upon the COOLEST comic book store. I browsed for a little while, but since my financial situation restricts me from buying...well, anything...I left empty-handed. I walked for a bit, grabbed half a hummus salad sandwich at Pret A Manger, and headed off to find a bus stop to Wood Green. And the rest, as they say, is history...

Oh, and did I mention I'm going back on Friday? Because I'm just THAT BIG of a geek.


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