24 October 2006

Markets, Museums, and Martha Stewart

It has been a busy past few days!

On Friday, as promised, I returned to what may be my new favourite place in London-- The British Museum. I have a feeling I will be visiting it very often. Unfortunately, the exhibit I was really hoping to see was closed that day; so it was a less enthralling trip than my last. But now I have something to look forward to next time, yeah?

[pause] I’m sorry; does someone sound like a ginormous nerd in here…or is it just me?

Anyway, getting back to my rip-roarin’ party of a life: Friday was the museum. On Saturday, Tim, Jamie, Olyvia, and I braved an outdoor market in central London. I feel it’s safe to say the group of us will never be doing THAT again. Don’t get me wrong, it was a lot of fun…if you don’t mind a veritable SEA of human bodies, all trying to go in different directions at the same time. Let’s just say it’s a good thing I’m not claustrophobic! Also, if you have a pram, you can bet on not getting anywhere at a speed higher than 3 inches per minute. But Jamie and I did find some great organic/vegetarian food stalls, and I think the two of us may go back some weekend in the future—except we will make sure to get there EARLY in the morning…besides, that’s when Jamie Oliver is rumoured to go! (And we love him.)
Oh, did I mention I’m a vegetarian now? Well, for a week at least. I’m trying it out…a meat-free test drive, if you will. I had my first falafel today and [apart from being WAY FUN to say] I really enjoyed it! Also, I whipped up homemade hummus from scratch the other day. Look at me! I’m a hippie Martha Stewart!
I don’t have to watch Olyvia this week because it’s half-term, and I will admit I find myself missing it! But it’s been good for me to get some cleaning done and run errands and whatnot. That’s what Sunday and Monday were mainly about…that, and general relaxation. Hey, they don’t call it a holiday for nothing, folks!
That brings us up to today. Today we all went to Covent Garden. It was a little too chilly to really enjoy it as much as we could of, but it was still awesome to look at all the booths and watch the street performers. Olyvia had a great time chasing some poor pigeons around! She walks like it’s her J-O-B these days; there’s just no stopping her! I snapped a couple pictures of her in action, and I will hopefully be able to post those soon so you all can see for yourselves.
Well, I had better get to bed as I have a fun-filled family day tomorrow. I am meeting Grandma and Megan in the morning for a day at the science museum! Then, on Thursday, I’m headed to Auntie Heather’s to see her and Laurin (who is working for Heather during half-term) before going back to Bristol with Laurin, Megan, and Cathy for the weekend. Where’s my personal assistant?! My calendar is practically SWAMPED!
That’s what I get for being so cool, I guess… [hair toss] ; ) Juuuust kidding.


At 10:11 pm, Blogger jsi said...

Hi its Jessie - I haven't had a chance to talk to you for next to forever. Your time in London is sounding exciting - and I don't care if the world does know it, I love Museums too. Glad you have a world class museum to be inspired by.
Good luck on the vegitarian thing - I love falafel and hummus - and every veggie known to man. But I sure can't resist the aroma of roasting meat.
I look forward to reading more about your exploits - I am so proud of you!

At 4:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you comin back?

At 12:55 pm, Blogger Larry said...


stumbled onto your blog. glad to hear you are doing well in London, even if it is with Tim. I had no doubt you and Jamie and Olyvia would get on.

As to the vegetarian thing, I am almost there after about 5 years of trying to get there. I eat fish and chicken in diminishing amounts. I swore off red meat years ago. do it slowly to give yourself time to adjust.

everything is fine in cleveland. we do miss you around here.

At 7:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're not very loyal to this whole posting and updating the world on your life thing are you?


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