4 December 2008

Browsers, Blog hosts, and...Hobbitses?

So, my regular browser hasn't been letting me access Blogger for a couple weeks; I've had to switch to Safari to even log in today. Methinks it may have to become my new default browser, but for some reason I feel like I am betraying the ol' Tried and True, you know? 

Why is this a problem for me? Normal people don't wrestle with things like this, do they? [sigh]

Anyway, all I have time to post right now is a YouTube gem I found through Twingly whilst shopping around for new blog hosts. Enjoy it, and revel in your nerd-osity. I did. 

What? It makes me laugh, ok? Also, check out The Office remix... which coincides nicely with my recent obsession over all things Office. 

And by "Office" I mean "John Krasinski."

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