10 October 2008

The Pizza Man Always Rings Twice?

In the UK this week there have been reports aplenty that Pizza Hut is undergoing a major re-branding. They are changing the menu, the restaurant interior, and—can you believe it—even the name! Out of the dust and rubble of stuffed-crust dreams, “book it!” cards, and personal pan pizzas comes...Pasta Hut!

Now, after some internet research I’ve discovered that, in the States, Pizza Hut announced this name change last April Fool’s Day; but later rescinded, saying it was a promotional stunt to broadcast its new Tuncani pasta dishes. Scott Bergren, president and CEO of Pizza Hut, said: "The launch of Tuscani Pastas marks a new day for Pizza Hut, and what better way to grab people's attention than with some tomfoolery. We committed a tremendous amount of resources to our Pasta Hut hijinx, including new signage on our corporate headquarters, a national ad campaign and a re-branding of our web site. We believe these efforts show our true level of excitement about these new pasta offerings from Pizza Hut."

So, could PH possibly be trying to pull the same prank twice?! If so, shame on them! You can’t think of any original ways to generating buzz so you think, “Hey! Remember that bit we did a couple of months ago about changing our name? That worked well—why don’t we just try that again?” I mean, come on, guys…doesn’t it kinda take the fun out of it if we see it coming? And if not, all this talk about “tomfoolery” and “hijinx” is going to be really embarrassing for them.

(And more than a little anti-climactic, no?)

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At 8:50 pm, Blogger Tim said...

You do realize that there's a war and Presidential campaign going on.....right?

By the way, I'm "anti-climatic" when it comes to English weather.

At 8:51 pm, Blogger Tim said...

You approve comments now? Uhhhmmmmm...China called and wants its policies back!

At 11:57 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

you guys are geeks.

At 6:26 am, Blogger Ben Wyman said...

Also, isn't remembering a company's name one of the most important parts of branding? So if they were going to change the name, shouldn't they make a big deal out of it so that people actually remember it when it happens? Or else everyone drives by. "I wanted a pizza but the only place open is Pasta Hut.

Welcome back to the blogosphere, Becca. We missed you.

At 12:23 pm, Blogger Becs said...

First of all, Tim, thank you ever so for your supportive comments. Really, it means a lot to me that after all this time away I can return to such encouragement from my friends.

Second-- war? What war? And what is this "campaigning" that you speak of? Oooooh, you mean what EVERY OTHER BLOG is posting! Cool, yeah, I'll be sure to add to the white noise...

And I'm sorry for forgetting one "c" in my entire post. There may even be a misplaced comma or two, so I'll also state a preemptive apology for that. How do they even LET me blog?! Seriously, it's like they'll allow just about ANYONE have one of these things! Crazy...

And, Wyman, I totally agree. Brand recognition is crucial to world-wide domination. I mean, come on, that's just good business sense, right?


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