14 January 2007

Fabulous Friends

You'll have to forgive my delay in posting Saturday's picture. And by "delay" I mean I completely skipped a day. I had pulled an unexpected double shift at work-- a blog post was just not in the cards after that. Also, this picture was taken before Christmas so...another "my bad." My justification there is that one of these beautiful ladies hasn't been in the country since the new year, but I wanted to include her-- or, rather, her image-- in this project without further ado.

Song: Last Request-- Paolo Nutini


At 3:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Becster! Wha'd up boy-ee!? Thanks for getting my ugly mug up in cyberspace...and when i say "thanks" i mean, "I'm going to kill you." :) I'm back in town Thursday!! Can't wait! Expect a call...I may need your help moving...if possible.
lots of love,


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