10 January 2007

Picture This...

So, Tim sent me an email with a link to this guy's blog. He is planning on taking a picture everyday of 2007 and posting it on the internet. I thought it was such a cool idea, I am going to rip it off and use it myself! [It also puts to good use the super neat digital camera I got for Christmas!] Although to make it unique, I'm going to post a song along with each picture.

So, without further ado, I present to you the first photo of my "Picture This" Project...

[It wasn't technically taken in 2007, but you're going to have to cut me some slack at the beginning.]

Song: Light With A Sharpened Edge-- The Used


At 3:38 am, Blogger joel.ivany said...


How are you doing?

I'm at joel.ivany@gmail.com


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